Over the last 3 years, we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. TransPioneers is a dedicated quality-driven translation agency.



+2 233359741


Almoez Administrative Tower
25 Ministry of Agriculture St.,
Dokki - Giza, Egypt

CAT Tools vs. Machine Translation

CAT Tools vs. Machine Translation

Machine translation, also referred to as automated translation or instant translation, is the translation of a text by a computer without human involvement. Such technology is frequently used for the purposes of looking for the main ideas of a text (gisting), checking internationalization issues in the target languages before committing to any professional translation (by […]

CAT Tools

What benefits can CAT tool bring to you?

Time Translation is time-consuming, and CAT tools save time. Glossaries help save time by automatically offering previously translated terms which have been saved in the database. Translation memories (TMs) save time by automatically adding translations to untranslated segments when they are the same or similar. Import/Export tools help save time by carefully importing, saving and […]

Top 12 Translation Tips

Top 12 Translation Tips for Beginners

Translation plays a crucial role in most sectors as most translations will be needed for official purposes, whether to get a driving license translated or a company contract. That’s why, as a translator, you need to be accurate with your translations if you want to provide high-quality translation services. If you are a beginner who is […]


Technical translation tips

Translating technical material from one language to another is one of the most difficult types of translation. Having specialised in the translation of technical material – such as manuals, leaflets, guidelines etc – from Arabic to English and English to Arabic, I have a few thoughts, or you can call them guiding principles, to share […]


Linguistic Approach to Translation Theory

The linguistic approach to translation theory focusing on the key issues of meaning, equivalence and shift began to emerge around 50 years ago. This branch of linguistics, known as structural linguistics, features the work of Roman Jakobson, Eugene Nida, Newmark, Koller, Vinay, Darbelnet, Catford and van Leuven-Zwart. It wasn’t long however, before some theorists began to realize […]


Beyond Translation Theories

If we delve into the translation theories through the history, we will see that every one of them promotes a specific ideology; therefore, we should admit that criticizing a translation theory inevitably entails criticizing the ideology beyond that theory. If we were to sample the characteristics being considered as characteristics of good translation in most of the […]